Appendix A: Mapping a Jira System to an Kobee Issue Tracking System
There are several ways to represent a Jira system in Kobee. We give 2 examples on how to map this, but other possibilities exist.
One (1) Kobee Issue Tracking System represents the host’s entire Jira system
This is the usual way people map Jira to an Kobee Issue Tracking System. To accomplish this, you set the following properties:
URL: of the form http(s)://<host>:<port>/jira/browse/${issueId}
Issue Pattern and Issue ID Pattern: both set to [0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z]*-[0-9]+
JiraRESTUrl: of the form http://<host>:<port>/rest
This Issue Tracking System will match issues from all Jira Projects defined in the Jira system.
One (1) Kobee Issue Tracking System per Jira Project
In this case one Jira system is represented by several Kobee Issue Tracking Systems, on a per-Project basis. This allows for more granular control over the Issue Tracking integration. Maybe you need different credentials to access ProjectA or ProjectB. Maybe you want to add comments to ProjectA, but not to ProjectB, etc…
To accomplish this, you set the following properties:
URL: of the form http(s)://<host>:<port>/jira/browse/PROJ1KEY-${issueId}
Issue Pattern and Issue ID Pattern : both set to PROJ1KEY-[0-9]+
JiraRESTUrl: of the form http://<host>:<port>/rest
This Issue Tracking System will only match issues from the Jira Project “PROJ1KEY”.