Command Line Interface (Optional)

Kobee can be extended with an optional Command Line interface, allowing the creation of Level Requests and Packages and the generation of Reports by means of a shell interface instead of the IKAN ALM Web Application.

Possible uses:

The Kobee Command Line interface can be installed on each client machine requiring its functionality. It requires a connection (TCP/IP) to the central Kobee Server. The connection with the Kobee Server is established using XML-RPC.

The CLR and Package commands can also be executed through the Kobee REST API. Consult the IKAN ALM REST API documentation for more information.

Manual Usage of the Command Line interface

Refer to the following procedures for detailed information:

Creating Level Requests by Specifying Options and Parameters

  1. Prepare the Level Request creation.

    On a Windows platform:

    • Open a Command prompt.

    • Browse to the Kobee Command Line working folder. After a standard installation, this is: C:\alm\commandline

      You may add this location to the PATH Environment variable, so that it becomes accessible through other working directories.

    On a Unix platform:

    • Open a terminal console.

    • Browse to the Kobee Command Line working directory.

      After a standard installation, this is: /opt/ikan/alm/commandline

      You may create a symbolic link to the script so that it becomes accessible through other working directories.

  2. Enter the required Level Request creation instruction.


    alm -serverhost:$HOSTNAME [-serverport:$PORTNUMBER] -user:$USERID -password:$PASSWORD [-secured=true|false] clr parameters

    The following elements are available:

    Element Description Mandatory


    This element calls the alm.cmd (Windows) or (Linux) file.



    This element allows defining the DHCP name or IP address of the host running the Kobee Server.



    This element allows defining the port number used to establish the connection to the Kobee Server via XML-RPC.

    If this element is not provided, the default port number (20021) will be used.



    This element allows defining a User ID with Kobee access rights.



    This element allows defining the password associated with the User ID used to access Kobee.



    This element allows determining whether an encrypted connection must be used or not.

    If the Kobee Server is using an encrypted connection, set the secured element to true:


    If the Kobee Server is not using an encrypted connection, set the secured element to false or omit the secured parameter out.



    This command stands for Create Level Request.



    The Level Request creation parameters are explained in the following step.


  3. Define the Level Request creation parameters.


    clr -project:[project name] [-projectstream:[build prefix[-build suffix]]] [-package:[package name]] -level:[level name] [-description:[description]] [-buildnumber:[buildnumber]] [-tag:[vcr tag]] [-redeliver=true|false] [-startdate:[startdate]] [-paramfile:[parameter file]]

    Parameter Description Mandatory


    This parameter allows defining the Project for which you create a Level Request.

    Use the Project name as defined in Kobee.



    This parameter allows defining the Project Stream for which you create a Level Request.

    Use the Build Prefix (and Build Suffix) as defined in Kobee to identify the Project Stream to create a Level Request for.

    If this parameter is not provided, the Level Request will be created for the Head Project Stream.



    This parameter allows defining the name of the Package for which a Level Request must be created.

    Yes (only for Package-based projects)


    This parameter allows defining the Level name for which you create a Level Request.

    Use the Level Name as defined in Kobee.



    This parameter allows defining the description of the Level Request.



    This parameter allows defining the Tag with which the Build will be tagged in the VCR. Only has effect on Level Requests of a Build Level. If omitted, a tag name will be generated using the Tag Template of the Project Stream.



    This parameter allows redelivering previously delivered Build Results on Test and Production Levels.

    By default, this parameter is set to false: if no Level Request is available on the previous Level in the Lifecycle with a higher build number, the current active Level Request will NOT be redelivered via the commandline.

    In case you want to allow a redeliver, you must explicitly set the redeliver parameter to true.



    This parameter allows defining the requested starting date and time of the Level Request. The accepted format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss (for example : 2021-11-29T23:15:00). Only has effect on Level Requests of a Test or Production Level. If omitted, the Level Request will run as soon as possible.



    This parameter allows choosing the Deploy Environments to Deploy to if the Level has Optional Deploys enabled in the chosen Lifecycle. Accepts a case sensitive comma separated list of names. If omitted when available, no Deploy Environments will be deployed to.



    This parameter allows defining the name of the property file containing Build and Deploy Parameters in key=value format.


    Note that you do not need to define the Level Request Type. The Level Request Type is determined automatically:

    • For Build Levels with a Schedule, a Force Build Level Request will be created.

    • For Build Levels without a Schedule, a Request Build Level Request will be created.

    • For Test and Production Levels, a Deliver Level Request will be created, which will deliver the latest successful Level Request on the previous Level in the Lifecycle (whereas in the web application, you can select the Build to be delivered).

  4. Once you have entered the complete command, press Return.


    • If the Level Request is created successfully, the following screen is displayed:

      CommandLine LRCreatedSuccessfully

      These messages only indicate that the Level Request was created successfully. Refer to the Level Requests Overview in the web application to verify if the Level Request was executed successfully as well.

    • If the Level Request cannot be created, because there is no connection with the Kobee Server, the following screen is displayed:

      CommandLine ServerConnectionProblem
    • If the user entered an unknown command, the following screen is displayed:

      CommandLine UnknownCommand
    • If the user entered unknown or incorrect command options, the screen similar to the following is displayed:

      CommandLine UnknownCommandOption

      Similar error messages are provided for unknown Project or Package names and incorrect User ID/Password combinations.

    • If the Level Request cannot be created because of pending Level Requests for the Level, the following screen is displayed:

      CommandLine PendingRequests

      Similar error messages are shown if there is no suitable Build result to be delivered, the Level is locked, the Project Stream is locked or if there is an authorization error.

Creating Level Requests Using a Properties File

It is possible to save frequently used settings in a Properties file, so that you do not have to enter the complete Level Request creation parameters. After a standard installation, one such properties file, called is available in the Command Line installation folder.

Open the file in a text editor to display its content:

CommandLine CLRPropertiesfile

You can edit this standard file so that the settings match your requirements. Refer to the Creating Level Requests by Specifying Options and Parameters for a description of the options and parameters. You can also create any number of specific properties files by copying the standard file, editing the copies and saving them under logical names for later usage.

  1. Prepare the Level Request creation.

    On a Windows platform:

    • Open a Command prompt.

    • Browse to the Kobee Command Line working folder. After a standard installation, this is: C:\alm\commandline

      You may add this location to the PATH Environment variable, so that it becomes accessible through other working directories.

    On a Unix platform:

    • Open a terminal console.

    • Browse to the Kobee Command Line working directory. After a standard installation, this is: /opt/ikan/alm/commandline

      You may create a symbolic link to the script so that it becomes accessible through other working directories.

  2. Make sure that the properties file to be used is available and that the settings match the requirements.

    If not, create the properties file and/or edit the settings with a text editor.

  3. Create the Level Request by entering a command in the following format:

    alm clr -propertyfile:$PROPERTYFILENAME [-options] [-parameters]

    The following elements are available:

    Element Description Mandatory


    This element calls the alm.cmd (Windows) or (Linux) file.



    This element indicates that you want to create a Level Request.



    This element allows selecting the properties file that must be used to create the Level Request.


    options or parameters

    Any option or parameter defined after the properties file overrides the setting in the selected properties file.


  4. Once you have entered the complete command, press Return.

    The results and console outputs are similar to those of the section above: Creating Level Requests by Specifying Options and Parameters. Refer to step 4 of that section for more information.

Creating or updating Packages by Specifying Options and Parameters

  1. Prepare the Package creation.

    On a Windows platform:

    • Open a Command prompt.

    • Browse to the Kobee Command Line working folder. After a standard installation, this is: C:\alm\commandline

      You may add this location to the PATH Environment variable, so that it becomes accessible through other working directories.

    On a Unix platform:

    • Open a terminal console.

    • Browse to the Kobee Command Line working directory.

      After a standard installation, this is: /opt/ikan/alm/commandline

      You may create a symbolic link to the script so that it becomes accessible through other working directories.

  2. Enter the required Level Request creation instruction.


    alm -serverhost:$HOSTNAME [-serverport:$PORTNUMBER] -user:$USERID -password:$PASSWORD [-secured=true|false] package parameters

    The following elements are available:

    Element Description Mandatory


    This element calls the alm.cmd (Windows) or (Linux) file.



    This element allows defining the DHCP name or IP address of the host running the Kobee Server.



    This element allows defining the port number used to establish the connection to the Kobee Server via XML-RPC.

    If this element is not provided, the default port number (20021) will be used.



    This element allows defining a User ID with Kobee access rights.



    This element allows defining the password associated with the User ID used to access Kobee.



    This element allows determining whether an encrypted connection must be used or not.

    If the Kobee Server is using an encrypted connection, set the secured element to true:


    If the Kobee Server is not using an encrypted connection, set the secured element to false or omit the secured parameter out.



    This command creates or updates a Package.



    The Package creation or update parameters are explained in the following step.


  3. Define the Package creation or update parameters.


    package -project:[project name] [-projectstream:[build prefix[-build suffix]]] -package:[package name] [-description:[description]] -action:[CREATE | UPDATE] [-owner:[owner userId]] [-status=[Status Integer]] [-targetreleasedate:[target release date]] [-filerevisions:[xml file containing file revisions links]]

    Parameter Description Mandatory


    This parameter allows defining the Project for which you create or update a Package.

    Use the Project name as defined in Kobee.



    This parameter allows defining the Project Stream for which you create or update a Package.

    Use the Build Prefix (and Build Suffix) as defined in Kobee to identify the Project Stream to create a Package for.

    If this parameter is not provided, the Package will be created for the Head Project Stream.



    The name of the package.



    This parameter allows defining the description of the Package.



    The action to be performed: CREATE or UPDATE.



    This parameter allows defining the owner for the Package.



    This parameter allows defining the status of the Package. On create, this parameter is always 0, or ACTIVE. On update, the status can be chosen by the user.



    This parameter allows defining the target release date of the Package. The accepted format is yyyy-MM-dd.



    This parameter allows defining the file revisions the package contains in XML format.


  4. Once you have entered the complete command, press Return.


    • If the Package is created or updated successfully, A screen similar to the following is displayed:

      CommandLine PackCreatedSuccessfully
    • If the Package cannot be created or updated, because there is no connection with the Kobee Server, the following screen is displayed:

      CommandLine PackServerConnectionProblem
    • If the user entered an unknown command, the following screen is displayed:

      CommandLine UnknownCommand
    • If the user entered unknown or incorrect command options, the screen similar to the following is displayed:

      CommandLine UnknownCommandOption

      Similar error messages are provided for unknown Project or Package names and incorrect User ID/Password combinations.

Updating Contents of a Package Using an XML File

When creating or updating a package, you may include a filerevisions property referencing an XML file. This XML file should have the following format:

CommandLine Pack filerevision xml

Each File Revision entry matches a single file in the Repository to be created, modified or deleted within the Package Contents definition.

Parameter Description Mandatory


The name of the file to be updated in the Package Contents.



The path to the file to be updated in the Package Contents.



The action to be performed on this file in the Package Contents. Valid values are :

  • create

  • modify

  • delete



The Repository Revision of this file to be used in the Package Contents.


Creating and updating Packages Using a Properties File

It is possible to save frequently used settings in a Properties file, so that you do not have to enter the complete Package creation/update parameters. After a standard installation, one such properties file, called is available in the Command Line installation folder.

Open the file in a text editor to display its content:

CommandLine CLRPropertiesfile

You can edit this standard file so that the settings match your requirements. Refer to the Creating Packages by Specifying Options and Parameters for a description of the options and parameters. You can also create any number of specific properties files by copying the standard file, editing the copies and saving them under logical names for later usage

  1. Prepare the Package creation.

    On a Windows platform:

    • Open a Command prompt.

    • Browse to the Kobee Command Line working folder. After a standard installation, this is: C:\alm\commandline

      You may add this location to the PATH Environment variable, so that it becomes accessible through other working directories.

    On a Unix platform:

    • Open a terminal console.

    • Browse to the Kobee Command Line working directory. After a standard installation, this is: /opt/ikan/alm/commandline

      You may create a symbolic link to the script so that it becomes accessible through other working directories.

  2. Make sure that the properties file to be used is available and that the settings match the requirements.

    If not, create the properties file and/or edit the settings with a text editor.

  3. Create the Level Request by entering a command in the following format:

    alm package -propertyfile:$PROPERTYFILENAME [-options] [-parameters]

    The following elements are available:

    Element Description Mandatory


    This element calls the alm.cmd (Windows) or (Linux) file.



    This element indicates that you want to create a Package.



    This element allows selecting the properties file that must be used to create the Package.


    options or parameters

    Any option or parameter defined after the properties file overrides the setting in the selected properties file.


  4. Once you have entered the complete command, press Return.

    The results and console outputs are similar to those of the section above: Creating Packages by Specifying Options and Parameters. Refer to step 4 of that section for more information.

Generating Reports by Specifying Options and Parameters

  1. Prepare the Report generation.

    On a Windows platform:

    • Open a Command prompt.

    • Browse to the Kobee Command Line working folder.

      After a standard installation, this is: C:\alm\commandline

      You may add this location to the PATH Environment variable, so that it becomes accessible through other working directories.

    On a Unix platform:

    • Open a terminal console.

    • Browse to the Kobee Command Line working directory.

      After a standard installation, this is: /opt/ikan/alm/commandline

      You may create a symbolic link to the script so that it becomes accessible through other working directories.

  2. Enter the required Report generation instruction.


    alm -serverhost:$HOSTNAME [-serverport:$PORTNUMBER] -user:$USERID -password:$PASSWORD [-secured=true|false] report PARAMETERS

    The following elements are available:

    Element Description Mandatory


    This element calls the alm.cmd (Windows) or (Linux) file.



    This element allows defining the DHCP name or IP address of the host running the Kobee Server.



    This element allows defining the port number used to establish the connection to the Kobee Server via XML-RPC.

    If this element is not provided, the default port number (20021) will be used.



    This element allows defining a User ID with Kobee access rights.



    This element allows defining the password associated with the User ID used to access Kobee.



    This element allows determining whether an encrypted connection must be used or not.

    If the Kobee Server is using an encrypted connection, set the secured element to true:


    If the Kobee Server is not using an encrypted connection, set the secured element to false or omit the secured parameter.



    This command allows generating Reports.



    The Report generation parameters are explained in the following step.


  3. Define the Report generation parameters.



    Parameter Description Mandatory


    This parameter allows selecting the required Jasper Reports design file (file extension is .jrxml). After a standard installation, the files are located in the directory Kobee_HOME/commandline/classes/reports/design.



    This parameter allows defining the destination file name for the Report.

    Do not provide the extension, as Kobee will append the format indication as extension.

    If this destination name is not provided, the Report will get a default name (levelrequestoverview_[format].[format]) and it will be saved at the default location (Kobee_HOME/commandline/classes/reports/generated_reports).



    This parameter allows defining the Report format. The following formats are allowed:

    • pdf

    • htm

    • xml

    • csv

    • rtf

    • txt

    • xls



    This parameter allows defining the Report language. The following values are allowed:

    • en (English)

    • fr (French)

    • de (German)

    If the language parameter is omitted, the Report will be generated in English.



    This parameter allows defining the maximum number of Level Requests to be included in the Report.

    If more Level Requests are available than the defined maximum, only the most recent Level Requests will be included in the Report.



    This parameter allows selecting a property file containing search criteria. Only Level Requests matching all defined criteria will be included in the Report.

    After a standard installation, one such property file, called is available in the Command Line installation directory.

    You can edit this standard file so that the settings match your requirements. See the description in the following step.

    You can also create any number of specific search criteria properties files by copying the standard file, editing the copies and saving them under logical names for later usage.



    This parameter allows defining how the reported Level Requests should be grouped together.

    The following values are allowed:

    • projectname : group by Project Name

    • levelname : group by Level Name

    If this parameter is omitted or left empty, no grouping of Level Requests will occur.



    This parameter allows defining how the reported Level Requests should be ordered.

    The following values are allowed:

    • asc : order ascending (=default)

    • desc : order descending


  4. If required, edit the search criteria properties file ( in a text editor.

    The file has the following structure:

    CommandLine SearchCriteriaPropertiesFile

    The following selection criteria are available:

    Criteria Description

    Project name


    Enter a Project name, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests of that Project.

    Package name


    Enter a Package name, if you want to restrict the Report to Level Requests for that Package.

    Search hidden packages

    Property: search.package.hidden

    Enter one of the possible values, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests for hidden Packages:

    • yes = show Level Requests for hidden (archived) Packages or Level Requests having no Packages associated

    • no = show Level Requests for visible (non-archived) Packages or Level Requests having no Packages associated

    • all = no restriction regarding the Package archived status

    Level Request Status code

    Property: search.levelrequest.status

    Enter one of the possible status codes, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests with that status:

    • 0 = unknown

    • 1 = awaiting requested date/time

    • 2 = awaiting Approval

    • 3 = rejected

    • 4 = run

    • 5 = fail

    • 6 = success

    • 7 = warning

    • 8 = cancelled

    • 9 = aborting

    • 10 = aborted

    Level Name


    Enter the name of the Level, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests for that Level.

    Level Type


    Enter one of the possible Level Types, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests pertaining to that Level Type:

    • 0 = Build

    • 1 = Test

    • 2 = Production

    Level Request Start Time interval



    Enter the start and end timestamp of the Level Request Start Time interval, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests having started within this interval.

    Level Request End Time interval



    Enter the start and end timestamp of the Level Request End Time interval, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests having ended within this interval.

    Level Request Request Time interval



    Enter the start and end timestamp of the Level Request Request Time interval, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests requested within this interval.

    Requester Name

    Property: search.username

    Enter the name of the Requester, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests requested by a specific User.

    Level Request Action Type

    Property: search.levelrequest.actiontype

    Enter one of the possible Level Request Action Types, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests with this Action Type:

    • 0 = Build initiated by Scheduler

    • 1 = Force Build

    • 2 = Request Build

    • 3 = Deliver Build

    • 4 = Rollback Build

    • 5 = Dependency Build

    • 6 = Redeliver Build

    Level Request Type

    Property: search.levelrequest.type

    Enter one of the possible Level Request Types, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests with this Type:

    • 0 = Build based on latest code

    • 1 = Builds based on tagged code

    • 2 = Builds and Deploys on latest code

    • 3 = Builds and Deploys on tagged code

    • 4 = Deploys of archived Build

    • 5 = No Builds or Deploys

    VCR Tag

    Property: search.vcrtag

    Enter a VCR tag, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests pertaining to that VCR Tag.

    Project Stream Status

    Property: search.projectstream.status

    Enter one of the possible Project Stream Status indications, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests with this Project Stream Status:

    • 0 = under construction

    • 1 = planning

    • 2 = development

    • 3 = testing

    • 4 = stable

    • 5 = general available

    • 6 = frozen

    • 7 = closed

    Project Stream Prefix

    Property: search.projectstream.buildprefix

    Enter a Project Stream Prefix, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests pertaining to that Project Stream Prefix.

    Project Stream Build Suffix

    Property: search.projectstream.buildsuffix

    Enter a Project Stream Build Suffix, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests pertaining to that Project Stream Build Suffix.

    Search Hidden Project Stream

    Property: search.projectstream.hidden

    Enter one of the possible values, if you want to limit the Report to Level Requests for hidden Project Streams:

    • yes = show only hidden project streams

    • no = do not show hidden project streams (default value)

    • all = show all project streams

    Do not forget to remove the # sign in order to activate a search criterion.

  5. Once you have entered the complete command, press Return.

    The report will be generated.

Generating Reports Using a Properties File

It is possible to save frequently used settings in a Properties file, so that you do not have to enter the complete Report generation parameters. After a standard installation, one such properties file, called is available in the Command Line installation folder.

Open the file in a text editor to display its content:

CommandLine ReportPropertiesfile

You can edit this standard file so that the settings match your requirements. Refer to the section Creating Level Requests by Specifying Options and Parameters for a description of the options and parameters. You can also create any number of specific properties files by copying the standard file, editing the copies and saving them under logical names for later usage

  1. Prepare the Report generation.

    On a Windows platform:

    • Open a Command prompt.

    • Browse to the Kobee Command Line working folder. After a standard installation, this is: C:\alm\commandline

      You may add this location to the PATH Environment variable, so that it becomes accessible through other working directories.

    On a Unix platform:

    • Open a terminal console.

    • Browse to the Kobee Command Line working directory. After a standard installation, this is: /opt/ikan/alm/commandline

      You may create a symbolic link to the script so that it becomes accessible through other working directories.

  2. Make sure that the properties file to be used is available and that the settings match the requirements.

    If not, create the properties file and/or edit the settings with a text editor.

  3. Generate the Report by entering a command in the following format:

    alm report -propertyfile:[$PROPERTYFILENAME] [-options] [-parameters]

    The following elements are available:

    Element Description Mandatory


    This element calls the alm.cmd (Windows) or (Linux) file.



    This element indicates you want to generate a Report.



    This element allows selecting the properties file that must be used to generate the Report.


    options or parameters

    Any option or parameter defined after the properties file overrides the setting in the selected properties file.


  4. Once you have entered the complete command, press Return.

    The Report will be generated.

Integrating Kobee in an External IDE

Refer to the following procedures for detailed information:

Integrating Kobee in Visual Studio Code

This procedure describes how to set up Kobee as an external tool in Visual Studio Code, so that you can create Level Requests (Forced Build, Requested Build or Deliver Build) from within this IDE

  1. In Visual Sudio Code, click on the Extensions button in the left button menu and search for the VsCode Action Buttons extension. Next, install the extension.

    CommandLine VSCode ExternalTools Step1
  2. Once the installation has finished, click the Refresh the action buttons icon on the bottom status bar. A popup will display with the following message "VsCode Action Buttons: You have no run commands". Click the cogwheel icon, next click Manage Extension, this will take you to the page of the VsCode Action Buttons extensions. On this page click the cogwheel and select Extension Settings.

    CommandLine VSCode ExternalTools Step2
  3. Alternatively you can click the Extensions button in the left button menu, select the VsCode Action Buttons extension, click the cogwheel icon and select Extension Settings.

    CommandLine VSCode ExternalTools Step2 alt
  4. On the Settings window click Edit in settings.json.

    "commands": [
        "cwd": "D:\\IKANALM\\commandline", // The path to the command line root directory
        "name": "Create Build Level Request for Webpad", // The label on the button
        "color": "white", // The color of the label
        "singleInstance": true, // if set to true, restarts the terminal each time the button is clicked
        "command": ".\\alm clr -serverhost:docalm -serverport:20021 -user:global -password:global clr -project:Webpad -level:CONTBUILD", // The commandline command to execute.
    CommandLine VSCode ExternalTools Step3
  5. Add as many "commands" entries as you like in the settings.json file. Each command will represent a separate Level Request button. Finally, save the file and click the Refresh the action buttons icon on the bottom status bar to apply your changes.

    CommandLine VSCode ExternalTools Step4
  6. To initiate the Level Request, simply click the Level Request button on the bottom status bar.

    CommandLine VSCode ExternalTools Step5

Integrating Kobee in Eclipse

This procedure describes how to set up Kobee as an external tool in Eclipse, so that you can create Level Requests (Forced Build, Requested Build or Deliver Build) from within this IDE

  1. On the Eclipse main menu, select Run | External Tools Configuration…​

    The following dialog is displayed:

    CommandLine EclipseExternalToolsDialogBlank
  2. Select the New launch configuration icon.

    The following dialog is displayed:

    CommandLine EclipseExternalToolsDialog
  3. Provide the correct parameters to create a Level Request on the wanted level:

    In the example above, the options are given to create a Level Request on the CONTBUILD Level in the Webpad Project.

  4. Click Run.

    The external tools will be tested and saved.

    The output from the command is visible in an Eclipse console:

    CommandLine EclipseResult

Automating the Creation of Level Requests Using an ANT script

This section provides a sample ANT script that

  • Creates an Level Request using the Command Line interface

  • Reports the status of this action

If you want to use this ANT Script yourself, customize it by:

  • Adapting the values for the Kobee Command Line options (values for serverhost, user, password, etc.)

  • Saving it as build.xml in the Kobee_COMMANDLINE root directory

  • Launching it via the standard ANT command.

Sample script:

CommandLine SampleANTScript

Output on success:

CommandLine ANTScriptExecSuccess

Output on failure:

CommandLine ANTScriptExecFailure