Logging in and out

Kobee uses the JAAS interface to base its User ID/Password authentication on an existing Security System in your organization. As a result, these User IDs and User Groups will most likely be maintained in such an external security system outside Kobee, although the Global Administrator can also set up User IDs and User Groups in a configuration file (e.g., for small organizations or demo purposes). Consequently, end users will probably log in to IKAN ALM using a User ID and Password of an external Security System like Active Directory or LDAP.

Each time a User attempts a login, synchronization of the User Groups for this User takes place. There are two types of User Groups: external and internal. During login, the external User Groups are automatically synchronized with an external security system, whereas the internal User Groups are kept intact. For more information on this issue, refer to the section User Groups.

A user can only successfully log in if doing so does not violate the restrictions imposed by the Kobee License.

  • If a User is defined as a Reserved User, he/she can always log in. For more information on defining a User as Reserved, refer to the section Users and Groups Users.

  • If a User is not defined as a Reserved User, the User is considered being a Floating User, and he/she can only log in if the current number of connected Floating Users is less than the number of Floating Users defined by the Kobee License.

This chapter provides more information on:

Logging in

  1. Open a browser window and enter the Kobee Login URL.

    Your Kobee Administrator will provide the exact URL.

    This URL is specified on the Mail subpanel on the System Settings screen. See System.

    The Kobee Log in screen is displayed:

    GettingStarted Logging login

    Once you know the correct URL, it is useful to save the link in your Favorites or Bookmarks folder.

  2. Enter your Kobee User ID and Password as provided to you by your IKAN ALM Administrator. Then click Log in.

    Your personal Desktop will be displayed:

    GettingStarted Logging desktop

    For more information on managing the items displayed on the Desktop, refer to the section Managing the Desktop.

    If you log in to Kobee for the first time, you will be asked to complete your Personal Settings. The Name and E-mail Address fields are mandatory. For more information, refer to the section Editing Your Personal Settings.

Logging out

  1. On the Main Menu, at the right, select Log out from the User Settings drop-down menu.

    GettingStarted Logging logout menu

    The following screen is displayed:

    GettingStarted Logging logout
  2. You can now reconnect to Kobee or close your browser window.

    If your User is defined as a Floating User (not Reserved User), it is very important that you explicitly log out of Kobee when you have finished using it. If not, your session will remain active after you closed your browser and will continue to count as a connected Floating User, possibly preventing other Users to log in to Kobee.

Installing a New License

If no valid license is found when you try to log in to Kobee, an error message will be displayed and the link Install new license will be displayed on the login page.

For users with Global Administration rights, this installation option is also available on the About screen. To access this option, select About from the Help drop-down menu, on the Main Menu, at the right.

  1. Click the Install New License link.

    The following screen is displayed:

    GettingStarted Logging license install
  2. Select the license file (alm_license.lic) using the Browse button.

    Your Kobee Administrator will provide the exact file name and location.

  3. Click the Submit button.

    When the License file is accepted, the following screen is displayed:

    GettingStarted Logging license success

    If the License file is not accepted, the following error message is displayed:

    GettingStarted Logging license invalid

    Most likely the problem is either a corrupted License file (or a file that doesn’t contain an Kobee License), or an expired License in the file. Contact your Kobee Administrator or your IKAN ALM vendor to obtain a new License file.

  4. You can now log in to Kobee. See: Logging in

Error Messages

In case of a problem when trying to log in to Kobee, one of the following error messages could be displayed. Please refer to the table underneath for the corresponding solution.

Error Message Solution

No valid License found

No Kobee License was installed. Install a License as explained in the section Installing a New License.

License has expired.

The Kobee License has expired. Contact your Kobee vendor to obtain a new License.

Maximum number of connected floating Users (x) reached.

x= number of Floating Users as defined by the license

  • Wait and retry until one of the connected Floating Users has logged out from Kobee.


  • Contact your Kobee vendor to upgrade to a License that allows more Floating Users.

There are more reserved active Users (x) found in the database than allowed in the license (y)

x = number of Reserved Users defined in Kobee

y= number of Reserved Users as defined by the license

The number of Reserved Users defined in Kobee exceeds the number of allowed Reserved Users in the License. Contact your IKAN ALM vendor.

There are more machines definitions (x) found in the database than allowed in the license (y)

x = number of Machines defined in Kobee

y= number of Named Machines as defined by the license

The number of Machines defined in Kobee exceeds the number of allowed Named Machines in the License. Contact your Kobee vendor.

Warning Messages

The following warning message could be displayed when logging in to Kobee. Please refer to the table underneath for the corresponding solution.

Warning Solution

License will expire within x day(s).

x= between 14 and 0 days

The Kobee License will expire soon, contact your IKAN ALM vendor.